Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Publishing Tools

Just as we are getting back at it, 2 great links came my way via my Twitter network. Both relate to some great new ways to publish student work that we are going to look at this term. These come from GlennW and Mrs Ripp. You can check out their full posts by clicking their names. Some of the most exciting ones in my eyes include:
  • Flipsnack - A free site with Premium features, Flipsnack will quickly convert uploaded PDF documents into a cool virtual magazine with flipping pages and it’s easy enough for even adults to figure out. You can view and share the online version in a variety of ways including Facebook, Twitter and html embed codes.
  • Issuu - Issuu is another tool that kids can use to upload almost any document format and create a virtual flipping book. Like Flipsnack, you can share or embed whatever you upload.
Mrs. Ripp's post was about alternatives to a "book report" and more interesting ways students can be accountable for their reading:
  • Blog about your book; reflect, ask questions, see if others have read it.
  • Create a wordle about the word associations you had with the book
  • Sell the book to your classmates, how can you get them to read it - written or oral - try this even if you did not like the book, can you still convince others?
  • Write a letter/email to the author (even if no longer alive). Tell them what you thought of their book.
  • Create a VoiceThread discussing your book's message.
  • Pretend you are the author on a Voki and tell us about your newest project.
  • Use Shelfari to post the book and then explain why you chose to post it.

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